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Studio Owner Programs
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Evolve Your Pilates Studio

With the Systems & Programs Designed to Help You Grow 

Host or License EYT Pilates Teacher Training
Learn About the Evolve Network
Learn How to Start Your Own Studio
Purchase our Package of Business Systems

Who We Are

An Industry Association Designed for the Indy Pilates Studio Owner


Evolve Your Studio is filling the massive void in the Pilates industry by creating an innovative and expansive organization that provides Indy Studio Owners with the same resources and support typically reserved for the big box studios and franchises.

We are a collaborative network  comprised of an active FB community, weekly newsletter, vlog, mentorship, Pilates Teacher Training, International Host & Affiliate Studio network and events taking place both on and offline. 

Our network membership includes business education, preferred pricing with service providers, collaborative opportunities, group purchasing power, online courses and events.  


Subscribe to Indy Studio News

EYT Pilates Teacher Training

Provides Our Network of Studios with Additional Revenue

&  Standardized Teacher Education


Since 2009, and with over 500 Graduates worldwide, EYT has the expertise, brand reputation and credibility to develop a qualified, confident and knowledgable Teachers who can help your studio grow.  

EYT has opened up a path for Studio Owners to participate in, and profitfrom the development of their future staff without drowning them in more work.

EYT will meet your high standards.  We have a "Studio Owner first" mindset and want our Grads to be people who will thrive in an Independent Studio environment.


There are three ways to bring EYT into your life and studio.


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Host EYT Pilates Teacher Training at Your Studio
  • Host Studio generates list of interested participants, EYT markets the program
  • Host Studio provides the studio space for student seminars & apprenticeship.  EYT fully provides the education
  • Host Studio earns 20% compensation for providing Apprentices with a safe and supportive space for students to learn & develop their skills.
  • EYT provides the apprenticeship weekly syllabus and homework
  • *NEW* EYT provides apprentice liability insurance
  • Download the Host Requirements and Apply Here
More Host Information Here
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Become an EYT Master Teacher
  • For those with more than 15 years of Teaching experience, EYT will train you in all techniques and best practices we utilize to develop our Teachers
  • Those who successfully complete the program become eligible for employment with EYT OR can license the curriculum to run programs of their own
Learn about the MT Course
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White Label the EYT Curriculum
  • Studio Owners who have their own Teacher Training vision or the experience leading a seminar or training but lack the curriculum or materials can license the EYT program for their own use
  • For a flat fee, 2 year license agreement, EYT provides online curriculum, hard copy manuals, muscle of the week mini workshops, special cases and common injury workshops and templates for assessments & mentorship
Read Requirements & Fill Out Application

Evolve Network of Studios

Launching September 2024

Studio Owners should not be guessing or crowdsourcing their way through the ownership but not everyone has the cool $million in the bank to qualify for a franchise.  

The Evolve Network of Studios provides:

  • Preferred pricing on professional services, software
  • 50% off all Evolve Your Studio bundles
  • Monthly professional development workshops with leaders in business
  • Templates for business systems, standard operating procedures (SOP)
  • Cross-network collaboration and revenue share opportunities

Additional benefits and add-on services coming soon

  • Consortium purchasing for in-studio retail
  • VA services - specific for social media posting and software management
  • Pilates-specific photography database (since all the stock photo companies think we are the same as yoga)
  • Leadership Mastermind
  • Financial Planning

The Evolve Network is an annual membership and brings value to Studio Owners at all stages of entrepreneurship.  

A La Carte Business-Building Tools

Studio Start-Up Course

Evolve Your Studio offers a business Start-up course that covers every nook & cranny a budding Studio Owner needs to know, prepare for, understand and think through before opening their doors. 

This course includes more than 20 modules covering everything from location analysis to partnerships to business structures through the grand opening. 

Don't start a business without it.  

Check Out the Course

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Lands in your inbox every Monday and offers community connections, industry news, collaboration opportunities, Podcast of the Week recommendations and more